Tuesday, September 21, 2010

September 21, 2010


Today in math classed we learned about different ways we can rotate a figure on the coordinate grid !.

We learned 3 different methods that can help us rotate a figure on a coordinate grid.
Method # 1
The first method is we can grab any object with a right angle( e.g a piece of paper ). Then we line it up any letter that is part of the figure you're rotating. You can now rotate it how ever you want counter clock wise or clock wise.
Looks something like this :
Method # 2
The second method is rotating the object by first picking a letter part of your firgure like A. Then from the center of rotation count horizontal toward the firgure, then count vertical to the figure, then rotate that mini kind of object the way you need to. This is the way i use because its pretty easy.
Looks something like this : Method # 3
This is for if you really dont get it and you need to use a figure and a string. First you trace your figure on another paper then cut it out. You then attach a string to get then rotate it.
Looks something like this:


homework was Extend 24 and 25 (hard), Workbook 1.2, Extra Practice 1.2 if you missed it.




  1. Good Job Alvin ! Yeah , the pictures are kinda hard to understand , but nice try . One thing i noticed is that you didnt put your PRIMES . You know , A prime , B prime , C prime? Try to remember that or everyone will get confused where the shape ended up and whered it start . Good Job Though, and thanks for choosing me ..

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Good job Alvin. You have shown all the methods on how to rotate a figure on a coordinate grid. Lots of detail and hardwork must of been put into this post! The use of color was a good touch. I agree with Jerick on the pictures, they are kind of hard to understand, but you can actually understand what the pictures is telling you. One error you have is the word " TRYED " It's actually " TRIED, " and also the word " INTERGER, " which is supposed to be " INTEGER " Next time use spell check for your other blog posts. Other than that good job!

  4. Hey Alvin,
    Great job ! You've explained all the 3 methods really well. But the only thing that you've done wrong is that you forgot to put the primes. Ofcourse Jerick has already told you about that. But you need the primes for knowing which shape is the original and which one is being translated. Also, the pictures were pretty easy to understand. But you just have to say if its clockwise or counter-clockwise for each pictures. But over all goodjob.

  5. Nice job Alvin! You explained the 3 methods very well and they were easy to understand. I would have to say your pictures were easy to see but like the others said you forgot to put primes on the shape you rotated so it was sort of hard to tell which shape was rotated. To improve your blog you should add a little bit more color to the important/key words so they stand out and edit your blog so there aren't any errors. Other than that it was a nice job done!

  6. Nice job Alvin! But you forgot to label the y and x-axis. It's good that you made the word "right angle" stand out in the first method, because that is important. Maybe you could have reminded people that it is 90 degrees? I think the pictures looked great except the last one, I didn't understand the "<" because I couldnt see the dot for center of roatation. But good job !!

  7. Awesome job Alvin! You explained everything very well and it was all very easy to understand. (I've been having trouble with angle of rotation so this was very helpful). You know what you missed so I don't have to say anything, and remember; there is always room for improvement and forgetting stuff is no big deal! As long as you learn from it right? Great job again! :D

  8. Great Job! You're pictures were easy to understand and you had a clear explanation on what to do.

  9. Nice job Alvin! The way you explained the 3 methods, with the pictures, were really easy to understand. As everyone else was saying, you forgot to put the primes, if I was a someone who was really new to math, it would be hard to understand which the original figure is comparing to the translated figure. You could've also put if the rotation is either clockwise, or counter clockwise, like what Elijah mentioned. Oh, and maybe it's just me, but I would've put the "y" and "x" axis, just because some people still get these 2 things mixed up. Like Mary Jane said, next time, you should make the more important words, stand out. But other than that, well done!

  10. Good job Alivn, you did a nice job explaining all of the things we learned today even if it was difficult. As many people have said it would be better if you put the primes, and the last image I don't know if it got cut off but, the translated image is different from the original. Though all in all great job Alvin!

  11. Good job Alvin! You explained the methods pretty well but you could've separated the steps so it would be easier to understand as well as making the important words stick out. As for your pictures, I am able to see it clearly but you made a couple of mistakes like forgetting your primes and on the last picture, you drew a different shape as the original. Next time, use more colour and make your important words stand out.

  12. Hey Alvin. Good job on all of your three pictures. I could understand them. But you forgot to put the primes. Make sure your grammar and spelling are correct. Maybe you forgot to edit, because you misspelled "figure" and a few other words. Also I think you made a mistake by saying "Today in math classed"... All in all though, it was a good scribe post.

  13. good job alvin! your 3 methods were easy for my to understand. one thing i noitced it that you didn't put your primes. you need them to now where the orignal figue it and where the new figure is. I also notice that you spelled tried wrong. just make sure you read over your work before posting. other then that great job again !

  14. Nice job Alvin! The three methods you have explained were pretty easy to understand since I don't get it at first but now I do get it! I've notice that the picture for Method 3 didn't show the full image of the rectangle rotated. Also, you spelled the word "Tried" wrong. Anyways It's a good post good job! =)

  15. Good job Alvin! You did great at explaining the 3 ways of rotating a shape. As everyone already mentioned, you did forget to add your primes. Also, you misspelled a few words. Next time, you should check your work before publishing. But other than that, you did great!

  16. Hey Alvin. I think that your scribepost was pretty well done. Thanks for telling me about these three methods. Some seemed harder than the others but it was great that you still told me about them. All the pictures and colors made the post a little that much better. Overall you did great.

  17. Awesome scribepost, Alvin. I like how you included all three meathods to rotation a figure. I noticed that you did not add primes. I also liked how you described the meathods with words and an image. Great job, Alvin!

  18. Good job Alvin! You explained everything and your right, the pictures were kinda hard to understand but it's all good you showed all 3 ways. I liked how you tried and make pictures. That really helped.

  19. Good job Alvin! I think the first method that Mr. Backe showed us only works if we were rotating the figure in a 90 degree angle. You also forgot to label the primes, like what the others said. (A', B', etc) And you had some spelling errors too. But all in all, you did a great job. Nice diagrams too.

  20. good job alvin! i liked how you explained how to do it, and you actually made pictures to make us understand how to do it. but there were some spelling mistakes and always remember to label the second shape youve rotated , with a prime. but overall goodjob!
