Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Allysa's scribepost for November 9, 2010

Once again, we were assigned a question from the textbook on 2.3. I'm blogging on question eight.

8. a) -3/4 x (-1/9) =

b) 4/3 divided by 5/4 =
Inside the red circle, is the reciprocal of 5/4. I did this to make the denominator equal one.

c) -3/8 divided by 7/10 =

d) -17/8 divided by 5/4 =

e) 7/9 x (-6/11) =

f) -3/2 divided by -5/2 =

**Sorry the letters are scattered. They're on the right rows, they just moved to the right.**
Thanks for reading my blog, I hope you enjoyed it! But please comment before you go, it means a lot! (:

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